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The Full Story

About Me

I was born into an acting family and started off writing stage plays–my first one was produced in New York City. I wrote screenplays and wrote and produced a couple thousand commercials along with the show 30x30 Kid Flicks for HBO Family. Now I mostly write fairytales, legends, and myths, visit schools and hospitals a lot (reading to over 15,000 kids in the last few years), and travel the world. 

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The reason I write fairytales is because I believe they play a vital role in our development as human beings. For children in particular, they lay the foundation for our morality; clearly defining right and wrong, good and bad, encouraging the virtues and values that lead to living happily … ever after. 


I refer to myself as an Author, a Storyteller, and a NeuroEducation Activist. Over the last 30 years, there have been incredible scientific discoveries about the brain: how it obtains and retains knowledge, and the power it has to physically alter your body and the world around you. The curriculum for most school systems is still based on learning by repetition when studies of the brain tell us that the way we gain true knowledge is by employing our senses; it’s experiential. 


Most of my stories are about princesses or have heroines as the leading characters. One of the reasons is that writing female characters allows me the opportunity to glimpse the world from another perspective and pass that experience along to the reader. 


All of my stories have stories. The story of how I came to write my first fairytale novel, The Princess & The Parakeet, is also a story about my journey to discover why I was put on this earth. 


“Life itself is the most wonderful fairytale of all.”


~ Hans Christian Anderson

Podcasts & Interviews

Curiosity Junkie Podcast

Wisdom of the Ages Interview

Fairytale Access Interview

Rebel Sage Perspectives Podcast

KiiTV 3 Morning Show

Larry Dechant's Interviews

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